Nicole Reaney reveals how Nick The Honey Badger’ Cummins has ‘tainted’ his personal brand.
Sydney PR Agency expert and director of InsideOut PR, Nicole Reaney, believes that the 30-year-old has taken a blow to his reputation.
‘This was exacerbated by him leaving for overseas at the time he should have fronted media interviews and supported the final contestants.’
His inability to commit to one of the women may see his personal brand taking a hit.
‘It is typical for reality contestants to gain a profile and attract brand promotional opportunities off the back of their appearance.
‘We have witnessed this many times over, including the last season with Sophie Monk,’ Ms Reaney said.
Nick has a loyal fan base and successful sporting career to fall back on while he repairs his image.
‘The dent in his opportunities would most likely be short-lived and it all dependent on what he does next.
There is always a way to bounce back.’
She added that that Nick needed to confront the masses instead of hiding away.
She told Daily Mail Australia: ‘Nick can’t shy away from communication and should front up to media interviews acknowledging his actions, what he learnt, what he would change and what he will now do.’
‘There was nothing wrong with not picking anyone, she said.
‘However the way it all played out and being seen to “lead women on” tainted his image. In time he will be able to restore his popularity to this audience,’ Ms Reaney said.
‘Nick needs to own his actions, and front up to communication to media and the contestants more openly.’
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For full article, head to Daily Mail Australia.
Nicole is the Director of InsideOut PR, a Sydney PR Agency that knows your brand Inside and Out. Nicole has almost 20 years’ experience in corporate and consumer PR and Communications as is available to comment on topics.