Expert Comment: NRL and AFL scandals: Devastating toll on Aussie sport
When you hear of another footy player becoming involved in a scandal it’s easy to just shake your head in disbelief.
Often this disbelief is not caused by the criminal or salacious acts, even though they are themselves seriously concerning, but disbelief at the fact yet another star has become embroiled in a scandal.
The list of recent incidents is growing longer by the week, there have been so many of them you’d be forgiven for not keeping up.
But while the stories sell newspapers and earn clicks on sites like ours, the damage they are having on Australia’s national passion could be devastating.
Nicole Reaney, PR expert and Founder of InsideOut PR, told the growing list of scandals could hurt our sporting codes and impact Australia’s ability to generate world-class players.
“The culmination of scandals is hurting sport and appears to emerge as players gain notoriety,” she said. “Despite it usually being based around an individual, from a branding perspective the impacts are widespread.”
As the list grows longer by the week, PR expert Ms Reaney said it’s time for things to change if we want Australian sport to thrive.
“It’s become inherent in the culture and sporting codes need to tackle it head on,” she said. “There needs to be much more proactive measures in place so players understand and adhere to their obligations.
“It’s definitely time to shake up the way players are inducted and employed.”
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Nicole Reaney, Director of InsideOut PR and founder of influencer agency, #AsSeenOn . Nicole has extensive experience in corporate and consumer PR and Communications and is available to comment on topics.